Parent Education Suzuki Method

Your Questions on Twinkles…Answered!

The Twinkles variations is a unique warmup that is early introduced among Suzuki students. Unlike other methods that offer a conventional solution to developing the child’s technique, the Suzuki method uses this familiar song to teach the basics of playing. However, it’s not as unique as most people would think. In fact, Mozart was one […]

Blog Exams Parent Education

How To Know If Your Child Is Ready For Exams

In the Suzuki method, exams or graduations are planned only when the student is ready. Many times, I get impatient inquiries from parents wondering when their child will finish the book. My answer to this is that each child is different, and preparation for exams may take a child six months to a year, while […]

Exams Parent Education

How to Help Your Child Prepare For Their First Piano Exam

So your teacher finally made the evaluation that your child is ready for exam. What does having an exam really mean and how do you prepare your child for it? First of all, music exams are not something to be dreaded about. In fact, it is one of the highlights that your child can go […]


8 Reasons Why Your Child Should Practice Solfegge Everyday

I have always known the benefit of solfeggio but never found the time to incorporate it in my usual weekly lessons. A half hour lesson can go by pretty fast and I admit, I have been spending most of it on technique and learning repertoire. My regular lesson routine has been to start with Twinkles, then […]


My Thoughts on the Recent Asia Region Suzuki Conference 2018

I recently attended the 7th Asia Region Suzuki Conference 2018 held at Treston International College, Taguig City from July 1-5. The theme was Art to Heart: Nurturing Children’s Hearts through Music. I admit, it has been awhile since I last attended a conference geared to enhance my professional side. So I was quite excited to […]


How I Got Started Teaching Piano Online

To be honest, teaching piano online was not something I thought of doing. I have much respect and will always recommend the face-to-face, in-the-flesh, let-me-guide-your-hand type of lessons. Obviously, this traditional method of giving lessons is still very much the norm, and it will probably never go out of practice, if not, around for a […]