Blog Practice Guides

Protected: How to Practice Ecossaise by J.N. Hummel

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Ariel’s Progress

Current Level: 1 Recorded Lessons Current Requirements Check progress within the curriculum Resources To see recent lesson notes and other info, log in the MyMusicStaff student portal


Rhythm Menagerie Tracks

Unit 1 Level 1: Single Line Rhythms (Lines 1-4) Level 2: Single Line Rhythms (Lines 1-4) Level 3: Single Line Rhythms (Lines 1-4) Level 1: Two-Handed Rhythms (Lines 1-4) Level 2: Two-Handed Rhythms (Lines 1-4) Level 3: Two-Handed Rhythms (Lines 1-4) Level 1: Fun with Sounds (Lines 1-4) Level 2: Fun with Sounds (Lines 1-4) […]


Doty’s Progress

Parent Education

Before you sign up for music lessons…

Children do not exactly have the same physiology and speed of learning. Given the same stimulus, different children will achieve to a variety of levels. Some children will have better fine motor control and some better gross motor. Others will learn more readily through visual pathways, some through the auditory route. Still others will learn […]

Parent Education

Music Is Not Inherited, It Is Developed

Let me ask you a question. Why is it that children of members of the professional musicians do well in music? Is it because they have some special music gene that is passed down with the generations? Some special talent? Most parents would like to think so. Parents justify their results with excuses like this, […]

Parent Education

To Succeed In Music is Not a Special Talent

It is more than behaviors that affect children. Parent beliefs are of prime importance. Your child will only achieve what you believe he can achieve. The fact that so many children and music dropouts points to the fact that most parents don’t believe they can succeed. Let me give you an example. Somewhere between the […]

Parent Education

Why Should You Invest in Music?

I have an observation. Parents are great investors. When they invest in real estate, they expect a return on their money. When they invest in the stock market or in a managed fund, they expect a return on their investment. However, when it comes to kids’ music lessons, some parents have a very curious attitude […]

Suzuki Method

What On Earth is the Suzuki Method?

If love is deep, much can be accomplished.” These words from Shinichi Suzuki, founder of the Suzuki method, provided powerful insight to man, the philosophy, and the method. The Suzuki method began with Dr. Suzuki’s realization that a child displays phenomenal activities when he learns to speak his native language (mother tongue) during his early […]

Money Talk Parent Education

Where Does My Piano Tuition Go?

Whenever a prospective parent inquires about piano lessons, the topic about ‘how much’ always comes up. And that’s completely understandable because that is how business is done. As customers we want to make sure we can afford the product or the service we are interested in purchasing. But it is after I say my price […]